We at Sly Fest are proud to announce our brand new concert series, Sly Fest Mini’s. Inspired by events like Holy Ship and Groove Cruise, our monthly concerts are set to take place aboard the S.S. Sly, a cruise ship built in VRchat.
Year round, the S.S. Sly will operate as a normal VRchat world allowing anyone to embark on the open seas with their friends as the cruise ship sails through open waters. Once a month the top deck will transform into a rave scene as artists take the stage performing multi-instanced concerts for anyone to attend.
Poised to set sail this February, we hope to see you all with us soaking up the virtual sun on our epic voyage. Now don’t fall off the boat on this event!! You will surely want to be aboard by the end of the year when we reach our secret destination.
A virtual cruise concert. Looking forward to this ✌🏼